Product Details:

Toliver Resin Adirondack Chair


Toliver Resin Adirondack Chair

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Product Details
Toliver Resin Adirondack Chair
Brand Rosecliff Heights
Sku W004568376_365726025
Updated 2023-11-17 08:54:00
Retail Price $292.79
Availability In Stock!
Sold By Wayfair

Description - Features

A low profile style with arm rest that will keep you comfortable all day as you soak up the sun. Useful and elegant, side tables are more than just a place to throw your mail or place a lamp. Sit back and relax with this garden Adirondack chair in your garden, patio or by the poolside. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Can accommodate 1 person. This is a single fire pit chair. Traditional style. Resin is resistant to weather and temperature fluctuations and is non-hydroscopic. It does not absorb water or moisture from the air. Color: Dark Blue

Rosecliff Heights

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